Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hobo Dinner

This is about the easiest recipe you can get, my hubby introduced this to me and now it's one of my favorites!

Ingredients: Really anything you want to use :)
I use-
 1 lb hamburger
3 small potatoes, diced
3/4-1 cup frozen pepper/onion blend
1/2 cup frozen corn
Steak Seasoning to taste

You'll need 3 squares of foil, 10" long I would guess. Divide hamburger into 3 patties and place one on each square. Divide remaining ingredients among each square, on top of hamburger patties. Top with seasoning, I'm pretty generous with mine :-) Wrap foil around ingredients. Cook over medium coals for about 20 minutes, turning a few times. Open and enjoy!

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